In the podcast 21Staatskunst, Thomas Losse-Müller and guests discuss fundamental questions of political organisation in the – no longer very young – 21st century. Climate change, digitalisation, polarisation, urbanisation and globalisation are changing the way politics and society are organised. The resulting questions of statecraft were last posed in this depth and fundamentality after the Industrial Revolution.
How must the principles and ideas of political design – our common understanding of statecraft – evolve? Thomas Losse-Müller is an economist and has been working in the engine room of statecraft for 20 years as a consultant, analyst, programme manager, state secretary, advisory board member, activist, panellist, politician and interested person. Since 2022, he has been a member of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament and chairman of the SPD parliamentary group.
For the podcast, both a logo and digital covers for Spotify and other streaming providers were created alongside give-aways for the invited guests.
Typeface: Monument Extended & Grafier by PangramPangram•Foundry