sound/idea No. 02

sound/idea is a publication of the Muthesius University of Fine Arts. The second issue of the magazine is a collection of various projects created in diverse matters and media on the subject ’sound’. Showing experimental sound machines, drawings, texts and poems for instance by the author Arne Rautenberg as well as collected documents by the visual artist Arnold Dreyblatt. The design is dedicated to the theme reflected by pictures and line elements. The green color is printed onto the paper creating different nuances and a more intense color towards the spine.
Typeface: Domaine Sans Text & Domaine Text by Klim Type Foundry
Edited by Sven Lütgen
Pages: 116
Size: 210 × 280 mm
Print: 4/4 CMYK-Offset + one spotcolor
ISBN: 978-3-943763-62-1