Animated version of our poster design and key visual for the exhibition Thomas Mann’s—The Magic Mountain shown at the Buddenbrookhaus hosted in the St. Annen Museum in Lübeck from September 13 2024 to March 02 2025. The poster and the animation reflects the atmosphere of the seven exhibition rooms that the visitor has to go through to experience the exposition and creates a link to the different visual filters used in each of the rooms.
Thomas Mann’s—The Magic Mountain talks about the central topics and conflicts in the novel: death and life, desire and love, war and peace. The exhibition connects these timeless themes with our present day. The novel, which is set on the eve of the First World War, is as current as ever even a hundred years after its publication: Nationalism, a lack of scientific knowledge, ignorance and hate speech are relevant across all temporal breaks and epochal changes.
Exhibition design: Studio Flex
Curated by: Dr. Caren Heuer & Barbara Eschenburg
Typeface: Rhetorik Serif by Sascha Bente / AllCaps Type & Default Sans by Scott Vander Zee
Format: Digital out of home experience by JCDecaux